Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

The Warm Fuzzy TED Feeling

Someone I know got very excited about a speaker whom he had watched in TED.com. He was going on and on about how cool TED is and how smart the speaker is.

I hadn't heard of the speaker, so I looked him up on the great internet. Still dunno why that person is so cool. Then my friend admitted that he hadn't heard of the speaker before chancing upon the TED vid. But because of his performance on TED, he must be way cool and smart.

Then I realised what TED represents in the hearts and minds of millions around the world. TED lends legitmacy to these performers, previously unknown to the masses. TED is the 'smart' stand-up comedy. Afterall, TED stands for Technology, ENTERTAINMENT, Design.

I think TED is a brilliant concept, and its popularity, like every other popular 'thing', is built on the consumer's vanity. People seeking intelligence in a quick and easy way. The 'smart' channel. One can feel 'smarter' after watching a 18-minute speech by some guy who makes you laugh along the way. Instant intelligence-fix in a sugar (humour)-coated pill. Much easier and more enjoyable than reading a 200-page book on the same topic.

Most significantly, there is a certain associated high which one walks away with. Definitely the best takeaway from watching the performances live or on video. What's so special about this high is that it's much more 'sticky' than the ideas these speakers are trying to get you to remember and practise in everyday life.

Just watch this one.

So, let's recap...
What were the takeaways from his performance again?
  1. There is a mismatch between what Science knows and what Business does.
  2. 21st century rewards (e.g. financial rewards) in business do work, but only under a narrow band of circumstances (e.g. clear and simple tasks).
  3. Those "if you perform, then you get x$x" rewards often destroy creativity.
  4. Secret to high performance isn't reward & punishment, but the intrinsic drive to do things that matter.
  5. New approach: Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose
Can you remember those?

Or will you only remember that 'good feeling' you have experienced after watching the smart TED vid, and go back for more?

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