Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Hong Lim Park & Mother Tongue Petition

Hong Lim Park is ALIVE!

On one side, there is a snoozing temporary hawker centre. On its left, the community centre with an outdoor stage and canopy buzzing with people and hokkien songs.

Then across the grass, 2 small tents have been set up (by 民间?), and a crowd has gathered.
The crowd doesn't look that big. Probably around 300-400 by 5.45pm. Event is scheduled to take place from 5pm to 7pm.

Isn't poetic that hokkien songs are blasting casually in the background while a bunch of people gather to 'fight' for their Chinese Mother Tongue?

The tents are where the petitions are signed.

So, what is the petition about?
It says here in the 4 major languages on this enlarged document for all to view at the event:

"As a group concerned about mother tongue education, we are of the belief that all mother tongues, or languages, be accorded the same degree of respect, be it Chinese, Malay, Tamil or even English."

Hmmm... Though this is what the text claims, the 'marketing' of this event (refer to online posters and efforst) has been primarily in Chinese. Not sure how that is to say this is a group concerned with respect for ALL mother tongues and/or reaching out to people who have non-Chinese mother tongues.

Another intriguing observation: For any event, there must be a 'centre' of event and peripheral areas.

In this event, the centre is where the 2 tents are. Apart from people queueing up to sign the petition, the centre is occupied by 'younger' people. E.g. You can see DJ Danny Yeo (in red) in the centre of the picture, talking to a bunch of young people.
At the peripheral areas, you will find small groups of Baby Boomers (marked by various stages of greying hair) gathering and watching.

I must have witnessed at least 3 episodes of excited 'AHHHHH!', hand grabbing/shaking and hugging. It felt like an old Chinese school gathering...

And of course, the press was having a field day (pardon the pun), interviewing people... From children to organisers to... I guess... 民间.

At around 5.45pm, a police car came by coz these enthuz people were parking illegally along North Canal Road. =))

Pinkdot attracted 2,000 people last year.
How many LGBTs are there in Singapore? My gay friends tell me... Maybe 1 in 10 in Singapore is LGBT.
So the turnout rate is 0.44%.

This Chinese Mother Tongue petition attracts a few hundred and announces on Facebook that the petition was signed by 2,000.
How many Chinese are there in Singapore? 75% of 4.5mil.
Turnout rate of this event = 0.06%.

Pinkdot is roughly 7 times more subscribed by its community than the MT Petition is within the Chinese community today.
Which cause is more significant?

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