Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Do you have a 'work spouse' in the office?

Signs you might have a 'work spouse' -

In the Asian context, many 'work spouses' are of the same gender, and many exist in groups (like a gaggle of geese), not just a couple arrangement. It's like back to school where groups are formed. Either you are in or out. Members of these groups end up making similar life decisions (e.g. when to get married, which housing type to buy and when, when to have children, how many children, where to go for holidays etc) and have similar career progressions.

I believe, the prevalence of such groups in an organisation is a sign of homogeneity of the organisation. In other words, the organisation is not doing well in terms accommodating diversity. The danger is obviously 'Groupthink'.

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