Senin, 07 Juni 2010

The Onliners

If you spend enough time online and observe with an open mind, 5 types of personalities (anonymous or not) emerge with blurry edges:

  • (50%) I am too smart to join in the online discussion. But I like to read about what others are saying and snigger to myself. Sometimes I comment anonymously so that no one can tie my comment back to me. Tomorrow, I will tell others in the office that online people are really boliao. *snigger*
  • (38%) I have no views. DUH? Huh? What? Where are the next food/holiday/baby pics? I like pics! No text, please!
  • (10%) I'm not smart and just want to feel angry about injustices. Don't ask me to think why these are injustices. I can't explain them. They are just wrong. Wrong Wrong Wrong! If you support them, you are against me!
  • (1%) I am so smart (my PSLE to 'A'-levels results and uni(s) I went to are testament to my brilliance) and so my views on whatever are always right. If you challenge me further, I will flame you. You knn#$%#*!!
  • (less than 1%) Truly smart/rational and vocal
 Actually, not very different from the offline community.

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