Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

China's New First Lady “牡丹仙子” 彭丽媛

If you have not already heard, her husband is Mr Xi Jin Ping 习近平, who has recently emerged as the next candidate for President of People's Republic of China. In more familiar American terms, that's Mr Obama's equivalent, except Mr Xi doesn't get voted into office. He gets appointed by his seniors.

Up till 18 Oct 2010, it was a neck-to-neck race between Mr Xi Jin Ping and Dr Li Ke Qiang 李克强. I won't go into details here, but it's an intriguing read. Just google their names together in English.

In gist: Prince vs Scholar.
Sounds rather familiar and disconcerting at first, but if you think about it in terms of the context, this outcome probably makes more sense for China. Not so sure about applying similar principles to other sovereignties.

I digress... Back to “牡丹仙子” 彭丽媛...

Know what's really weird? I've heard of this famous folk singer, “牡丹仙子” 彭丽媛, before the recent buzz. I recognise her voice!!

How is it possible that one who listens to Marilyn Manson, also appreciates 牡丹仙子???

Maybe it's the uniform. O_o

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