Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

My Thoughts on Amanda Heng's Thoughts on Gender

"Well, men tend not to accept women who are more demanding in terms of their thoughts and questions, who are more opinionated. The perception of women in Singapore hasn't changed a lot. Most women are required to have a career and to be a wife and a mother. But I don't know how many guys are prepared to be honest with themselves and admit this."
~ Amanda Heng Liang Ghim (2010), 
a former tax officer-turned-Singaporean Artist 
and Cultural Medallion recipient.


I understand what she's saying. And you should try to too.

But afterwards, let's just take it one step further.

If I were male and would give the choice of a wife a little more thought than others would, I'd either:

(A) Go for the best of the same - That female who is the prettiest, most wife-like, most mother-like, so that I can claim to have the best wife around.
Guy with the most toys and best wife wins! YAY!


(B) Realise how common and so vulgar it is to get myself one of those wives who work and breastfeed my children, even if she's the winner of the breastfeeding pageant. I'd wanna be different from my male counterparts. That's how I can show that I have 'better taste', by going for someone who is so not (A).

In the spirit of (B), I might start to find someone like Amanda Heng extremely attractive, and tackle her aggressively. And guess what? She may really marry me for being so differently tolerant. Sounds like a match made in heaven?

But going back to the start of this train of thought, remember that I was only going for Option (B), because of me, myself and my ego. Nothing to do with Ms Heng's brilliance, self-awareness and femininity as a female human being.

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