Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Go Curry Favour Yourself Lah!

BM: Eh... The potential attendance for the SG Curry event has now gone past 50,000 leh. That's like 1% of SG population right?

X: Yah... That's like the attendance of an average Opposition rally.

BM: FWAH... So happening hor? It's like "Yeah! I got something to do this Saturday! It's rebellious but not dangerous!" I don't get this 'cook curry = solidarity' zeal. It's lame. Real solidarity is to stand up for fellow Singaporeans in situations such as (1), (2) etc ... I wonder how many will really cook a pot of curry.

X: A lot of them talk only lah!

BM: Guess what are we having for dinner?

X: Hmmm... I dunno. Not curry flavour one lah!

BM: Bak Kut Teh! With a solid brew of Chinese tea of course. Coolie food that nourished the bodies and souls of our hardcore migrant forefathers.

X: Ahhh... 맛있다! I also want Bak Kut Teh! Bak Kut Teh nicer.

BM: *starts singing the 雾锁南洋 theme song* 啊... 啊 啊 啊...

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