Apparently, a new series to help Singaporeans integrate with foreigners (and not the other way round) is now showing on Channel 8.
From the Mediacorp production 四个门牌一个梦:
SGrean chicken rice boss: Wah! 你都几岁还去应征啊?
[Wah! You how old oredi? Still go for interview?]
HK migrant: 凭良心说,你现在的体力还能做教练吗?
[Please la! Touch your heart and tell me if you still have the stamina to be a (table tennis) coach?]
Angry SGrean: 讲到体力我更生气,本地有很多外国的教练都已经70多岁了,那又怎么说?
[Eh... Dun talk about stamina. I get even more dulan. Other foreigner coaches are more than 70 years old, can?! Then how??]
HK migrant: 老戴,你一只脚都踏进棺材了,还做什么工作呢?你学学人家,提个鸟笼,养养鸟,过过日子多好。
[Eh Dai! You are damn old already! Don't already work la! Be like everyone else, go buy a bird and birdcage, then enjoy life la!]
SGrean chicken rice boss: 对对对!外地人是不会跟你抢养鸟的。
[Yah Yah Yah!! Foreigners will not compete with you in bird-keeping leh!]
*SGrean chicken rice boss and HK Migrant laugh at Angry SGrean*
HK migrant: (to SGrean chicken rice boss) 还是你有幽默感啊。哈哈哈!
[Eh... Unlike someone else, you got sense of humor! HAHAHA!]
Angry SGrean: 笑吧笑吧,尽管笑吧,将来你们的子子孙孙的工作给外地人抢着去做,看你们还笑不笑得出来?
[Laugh la! Laugh la! Next time your kids and grandchildren have no jobs bcoz foreigners take all the jobs ah! Then see if you can still laugh!]
HK migrant: 你老是口口声声说外地人新加坡人,分得那么清楚干什么?其实我也是从香港移民过来的。20几年了。跟你一样,住的是组屋,吃的是鸡贩,生活习惯都一样。那你说我是外地人还是新加坡人啊?
[You like to differentiate between foreigners and Singaporeans so much. What for? I came here from Hong Kong 20 years ago. I stay in HDB, eat chicken rice, live like Singaporean. So am I foreigner or Singaporean ah?]
SGrean chicken rice boss: 说来说去,怪你自己没有本事,你的工作才会被外地人抢去。
[Please lor! You only have yourself to blame la! You lousy that's why foreigners take your job.]
Angry SGrean: (damn sian face) 你说够了没有啊?你在这边讲话,可以赚钱吗?
[Eh... Enough or not? Talk so much, no need to make money ah? Drop from sky ah?]
SGrean chicken rice boss: 真的可以赚钱leh..你还没给钱leh...
[Really can talk and make money at the same time leh... Pay for your chicken rice leh!]
Angry SGrean: 拿去拿去,走开走开,看到你我就没有胃口了。
[Har Nah! Take la! Take la! Go away la! See you already no appetite.]
SGrean chicken rice boss: 好我走,你慢慢吃,不够再叫hor..."
[Ok lor... You slowly eat... Not enough order some more hor!]
*SGrean chicken rice boss walks off, laughing.
HK migrant also laughing while drinking kopi.
Angry SGrean quietly eats chicken rice*
Qn: What's infinitely worse than foreigners laughing at Singaporeans?
Ans: The Singaporean who laughs at another Singaporean for not doing well.
And such Singaporeans are not fictional.
There are indeed many Singaporeans who behave this way.
I have a job, so I laugh at you for complaining about foreigners taking away your job.
I have a condo, so I laugh at you for complaining about rising HDB prices.
I have a bungalow, so I laugh at you for complaining about rising condo prices.
I drive a BMW, so I laugh at you for complaining about the MRT trains.
I dine at MBS, so I laugh at you for complaining about rising food prices at hawker centres.
Fundamentally, these people are insecure folks. They need others to be 'less' than themselves so that they can feel good about themselves.
Of course, this is not unique to Singapore, i.e. there are such people in other countries laughing at their own kind too.
But we must learn to recognise that this is not the time to laugh at our own kind. This is the time to stand together as one.
Unfortunately, I am beginning to have to believe that, given the widening income gap, it is difficult to stand together as one. We are not in the freaking 60s anymore.
An ex-boyfriend of mine insisted to me, over an hour-long Facebook debate, that no one has been left behind in Singapore.
He, with blue-collar folks and from neighbourhood school, is a HDB boy made-good, i.e. got himself ivy-leagued, now works in a foreign bank and lives in semi-D with his wife from an upper-middle class background.
He also believes that, because he has 'made it', that those who have not are simply lousy. It's solely their fault for not trying hard enough.
I was dating a boor. KNN.
I hate such realisations. I took too long.
Jumat, 30 September 2011
Kamis, 29 September 2011
Noooo!! I dun wanna see no Naked Baaaahh-daaaaay!
What do you think of these models in their tiny bikinis?
We've been so used to women being photographed in almost nakedness. These pictures appear everywhere. On TV, in the cinemas, all over the internet, on billboards, in our expectations of ourselves and our girlfriends etc.
So what exactly is the big deal about this ad along Orchard Road?
In terms of the lower body, the Abercrombie & Fitch model has revealed no more/less than what the Victoria's Secret model has in the previous picture.
I get it that some members of public, especially men, will get uncomfy with this pic, and will write to the forum to complain about it. Yeah... Whatever.
But when the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) makes an official statement that "the advertisement featuring a topless man that is plastered on the Orchard shopfront of American fashion retailer Abercrombie & Fitch breaches the local advertising code of decency", it gets officially hypocritical.
There shouldn't be double-standards for ads when featuring the male and female body. Period.
This hypocrisy gets thicker if you look closely at who makes up the ASAS Council.
ASAS Council
The Council comprises representatives from the following organisations and associations:
Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore
Association of Accredited Advertising Agents, Singapore, The (4As)
Association of Media Owners (Singapore) (AMOS)
Consumers Association of Singapore
Direct Marketing Association of Singapore
Health Sciences Authority
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Media Development Authority
MediaCorp Pte Ltd
Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore
Singapore Advertisers Association, The (2As)
Singapore Association of Pharmaceutical Industries
Singapore Medical Association
Singapore Press Holdings Limited
Singapore Telecommunications Limited
StarHub Limited
All those rape scenes in Mediacorp productions are acceptable and perpetuated.
Even when you have a bunch of female Mediacorp artistes running down Orchard Road in their bikinis and bouncing body parts as part of a unspoken advertising campaign for that forgettable drama series, it is acceptable.
CHEY!!! Lousy lah!!
Where got tiny, you say? Normal what?!
We've been so used to women being photographed in almost nakedness. These pictures appear everywhere. On TV, in the cinemas, all over the internet, on billboards, in our expectations of ourselves and our girlfriends etc.
So what exactly is the big deal about this ad along Orchard Road?
In terms of the lower body, the Abercrombie & Fitch model has revealed no more/less than what the Victoria's Secret model has in the previous picture.
I get it that some members of public, especially men, will get uncomfy with this pic, and will write to the forum to complain about it. Yeah... Whatever.
But when the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) makes an official statement that "the advertisement featuring a topless man that is plastered on the Orchard shopfront of American fashion retailer Abercrombie & Fitch breaches the local advertising code of decency", it gets officially hypocritical.
There shouldn't be double-standards for ads when featuring the male and female body. Period.
This hypocrisy gets thicker if you look closely at who makes up the ASAS Council.
ASAS Council
The Council comprises representatives from the following organisations and associations:
Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore
Association of Accredited Advertising Agents, Singapore, The (4As)
Association of Media Owners (Singapore) (AMOS)
Consumers Association of Singapore
Direct Marketing Association of Singapore
Health Sciences Authority
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Media Development Authority
MediaCorp Pte Ltd
Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore
Singapore Advertisers Association, The (2As)
Singapore Association of Pharmaceutical Industries
Singapore Medical Association
Singapore Press Holdings Limited
Singapore Telecommunications Limited
StarHub Limited
All those rape scenes in Mediacorp productions are acceptable and perpetuated.
Even when you have a bunch of female Mediacorp artistes running down Orchard Road in their bikinis and bouncing body parts as part of a unspoken advertising campaign for that forgettable drama series, it is acceptable.
![]() |
Don't get me wrong. I love Fiona Xie. She's one of the few local artistes who is truly sexy on and off-screen. |
Selasa, 27 September 2011
先统领邪教, 再称霸武林.
RE: Tan Jee Say hopes to set up opposition 'coalition' in time for next GE
WTF is Tan Jee Say talking abt?!!
If Low Thia Kiang had ran for President in the exact same Presidential Election situation, he would get definitely get more votes than Tan Jee Say's 25%.
Buay paiseh leh!
Korean saying of the Day:
Leaving behind much traces of yourself, or acting widely will make yourself conspicuous and easily apprehended.
"People do look upon my support ...
they say I got half a million votes ...
Even the Workers' Party (WP), with a slate of 23 candidates managed to get 280,000 votes (in the GE)
- so it is something that they bear in mind when they talk to me."
they say I got half a million votes ...
Even the Workers' Party (WP), with a slate of 23 candidates managed to get 280,000 votes (in the GE)
- so it is something that they bear in mind when they talk to me."
~ Tan Jee Say, Sep 2011
WTF is Tan Jee Say talking abt?!!
If Low Thia Kiang had ran for President in the exact same Presidential Election situation, he would get definitely get more votes than Tan Jee Say's 25%.
Buay paiseh leh!
Korean saying of the Day:
꼬리가 길면 잡힌다
"One will get caught if one's tail is too long."
Leaving behind much traces of yourself, or acting widely will make yourself conspicuous and easily apprehended.
Minggu, 25 September 2011
They like to Jio Meng Lang
I had a good laugh when I saw this on the front page of the Sunday Times this morning.
If you do not already know, AWARE has created a sexism award called the Alamak! Award to crown the person/entity with the sexist-est comment made publicly in the year.
For his sexist comment during GE2011, Desmond Choo is currently leading the race with more than 50% of the 600+ votes.
If only he had garnered such a margin for his recent Hougang contest, where he got pwned by WP's Yaw Shin Leong at 65% vs 35%.
While I think the Alamak! Award is cute, I find this particular response by Desmond Choo more intriguing.
See excerpt below:
I don't understand this response of:
(1) You are entitled to your opinion (i.e. of disliking me, my words, my actions etc.), BUT
(2) I'm happy to meet up with you who have misunderstood my words to clear the air.
This 'meet up' line seems to be a 'standard issue' amongst the 'younger' PAP politicians. It's their way of dealing of people who neither agree with, nor support them.
"It's a misunderstanding!" so they claim.
A few weeks ago, a Minister of State emailed me thrice, referred to the fact that I had blogged about him, requested for me not to blog about his emails, and repeatedly invited me to meet up with him for clarifications.
FWAH!!! A Minister of State emailed me siah!
By repeatedly asking me to meet up, was he trying to Jio Meng Lang?
Once again... I dun geddit.
What's the meeting gonna achieve?
If I were an anonymous blogger, then suggesting a meet up with me would make sense, coz he would at least find out who I was in the flesh life.
But I'm not anonymous. And he already knows who I am. We've met in the work context.
When told, none of my friends could believe their ears. One said the politician just wanted to clock his 'public/ new media engagement KPIs'. Some laughed at how he could not tolerate his own unpopularity. A couple of female friends thought it was inappropriate for a (married) male to repeatedly request for me to meet up with him.
Others got rather excited about the meet up proposal. They really want to find out what he is gonna say or do at the meet up. They want to see for themselves what a ridiculous Singaporean leader looks like in action.
On whether to meet up, I quote a popular Korean saying:
똥인지 된장인지 먹어봐야 알아?
Must you taste it to know if it's shit or soy-paste?
Back to this 'meet up' line...
At the rate which their popularity is slipping, they cannot be serious about meeting up with everyone who neither agrees with nor support them, right?
Too many lah!
Instead, such time and effort ought to be channeled to helping Singaporeans/constituents in need and/or their respective portfolios.
Do the right thing and win votes for yourself and your party.
Don't waste time on vote-losing behaviour.
The quality across our leadership is really inconsistent at the moment. It's frustrating to observe, not to mention, to suffer it.
Jumat, 23 September 2011
What's in the name of a HDB Flat Estate?
While I was exclaiming at the simultaneous release of 8,200 HDB flats into the market, and the name of a new studio-flats estate in Jurong West (for elderly folks, I guess) called Golden Peony (How cheena is that? Just like its cousin called Golden Lotus in Toa Payoh.), an eagle-eyed friend highlighted something else much more intriguing.
Of course, Sengkang was indeed a fishing port many years ago.
Also part of the newly-announced 8,200 flats, a brand-new HDB estate in Sengkang is named 'Anchorvale Harvest'.
Below is the screen grab from HDB's website.
(Click on image to enlarge)
(Click on image to enlarge)
The webpage explains why the word 'Harvest' is used in the name of this estate.
"The name Anchorvale Harvest reflects its location in the Anchorvale area and mimics the imagery of a fisherman casting his net into the sea for the harvest. The abundance of a harvest also relates to the meaning of Sengkang which denotes 'prosperous harbour'."
Of course, Sengkang was indeed a fishing port many years ago.
Let's take a closer look at the official logo for Anchorvale Harvest:
Immediately, that fish catches the eye.
A fish without its usual scales and a complete tail looks a lot like the Ichthys, i.e. more commonly known as the Jesus fish.
The Ichthys is also a common sight in Singapore. You may notice some cars in Singapore displaying car decals which look like this:
Now... Really... Only the HDB officers, who came up with and approved the name and logo, will know whether the name and logo of this HDB estate in Sengkang just happen to coincide with Christian/Methodist interest or not.
All I know is that I haven't heard of any HDB estates with names which vaguely sound like 'Tua Peh Kong Vista', 'Mercy Vale', 'Om Gardens', 'Compassion Court' etc. O_o
A fish without its usual scales and a complete tail looks a lot like the Ichthys, i.e. more commonly known as the Jesus fish.
The Ichthys is also a common sight in Singapore. You may notice some cars in Singapore displaying car decals which look like this:
More interestingly, my friend found these few paragraphs from the book entitled "Beyond description: Singapore space historicity" by Ryan Bishop, John Phillips, and Wei-Wei Yeo, rather plainly stating the Methodist Church's interest and stake in Sengkang.
"...Sengkang is seen as "a great harvest field, waiting for the CAC [the Chinese Annual Congress which governs the Chinese- and dialect-service Methodist churches] to plow, sow and reap souls for Christ" (Lai 2000:1)."
Now... Really... Only the HDB officers, who came up with and approved the name and logo, will know whether the name and logo of this HDB estate in Sengkang just happen to coincide with Christian/Methodist interest or not.
All I know is that I haven't heard of any HDB estates with names which vaguely sound like 'Tua Peh Kong Vista', 'Mercy Vale', 'Om Gardens', 'Compassion Court' etc. O_o
Rabu, 21 September 2011
Please Consult Me for Whatever.
Had dinner with a few friends last night. Amongst many discussion topics, we spent some time on the latest 'fashion' of public consultation.
One said that public consultation, i.e. asking EVERYONE what they thought of specific issues, does not work because people don't know what they want.
Furthermore, some of these issues are complex. It is irrational to believe that anyone and everyone's views on such issues are relevant.
But many people don't want to see how their views on these issues are irrelevant. The fundamental problem is that these people are simply annoyed.
They are so annoyed by bits of their own lives, which in turn are projected onto the 'system', the ruling party etc, that they feel that they must 'do something about it'. And suddenly, democracy is their visa.
Check out the emotional line of argument.
It's completed in good English, but it doesn't make any sense.
Even if the government manages to engage everyone for public consultation, more unhappiness is inevitable as the conclusion of the consultation cannot be that everyone is satisfied.
Hence, the act of public consultation without considering such consequences is in fact reckless.
Another at the table brought our attention to the fact that public consultation is not new, i.e. the government has been carrying out public consultation, even before the so-called 'watershed elections'.
In various forms, degrees of outreach scale, budget, tone etc, different parts of the government have conducted public consultation.
Regardless whether it's a public consultation in the flesh life or cyberspace, the key in any human communication is sincerity.
While the lack of sincerity can be embellished with other irrelevant gestures, this is not a sustainable tactic in the long run. The smarter ones would spot the insincerity, raise the alarm bells, and soon the dull ones will 'realise' it too, regardless whether they truly spot the insincerity.
And sincerity is a rare attribute which cannot be acquired overnight. It's much easier to fake it or cover it up with something else.
Of course, being constructive people, the discussion went onto suggest that a real public consultation only takes place where committees of selected individuals are set up. People who have the necessary skills, experience and varied vested interests to explore and debate on specific issues on behalf of people.
Of course, this is not new either. The key is WHO are the people invited to be on these committees. And judging from the profile of these people, one can tell whether the government is sincere about its public consultation attempts.
That is, whether 'public consultations' are 'form' or 'function'.
One said that public consultation, i.e. asking EVERYONE what they thought of specific issues, does not work because people don't know what they want.
Furthermore, some of these issues are complex. It is irrational to believe that anyone and everyone's views on such issues are relevant.
But many people don't want to see how their views on these issues are irrelevant. The fundamental problem is that these people are simply annoyed.
They are so annoyed by bits of their own lives, which in turn are projected onto the 'system', the ruling party etc, that they feel that they must 'do something about it'. And suddenly, democracy is their visa.
"I have the right to air my views about this and that.
Furthermore, I was educated abroad in XYZ universities.
I am smart enough to understand and make conclusions on ANY issues.
If you don't engage me or listen to me, I get (more) angry. "
Check out the emotional line of argument.
It's completed in good English, but it doesn't make any sense.
Even if the government manages to engage everyone for public consultation, more unhappiness is inevitable as the conclusion of the consultation cannot be that everyone is satisfied.
Hence, the act of public consultation without considering such consequences is in fact reckless.
Another at the table brought our attention to the fact that public consultation is not new, i.e. the government has been carrying out public consultation, even before the so-called 'watershed elections'.
In various forms, degrees of outreach scale, budget, tone etc, different parts of the government have conducted public consultation.
Regardless whether it's a public consultation in the flesh life or cyberspace, the key in any human communication is sincerity.
While the lack of sincerity can be embellished with other irrelevant gestures, this is not a sustainable tactic in the long run. The smarter ones would spot the insincerity, raise the alarm bells, and soon the dull ones will 'realise' it too, regardless whether they truly spot the insincerity.
And sincerity is a rare attribute which cannot be acquired overnight. It's much easier to fake it or cover it up with something else.
Of course, being constructive people, the discussion went onto suggest that a real public consultation only takes place where committees of selected individuals are set up. People who have the necessary skills, experience and varied vested interests to explore and debate on specific issues on behalf of people.
Of course, this is not new either. The key is WHO are the people invited to be on these committees. And judging from the profile of these people, one can tell whether the government is sincere about its public consultation attempts.
That is, whether 'public consultations' are 'form' or 'function'.
Minggu, 18 September 2011
Active Enforcement vs Lame Enforcement
RE: Expat schools crack down on drug abuse, may expel users
"The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) said its anti-drug education initiatives are targeted not only at local students, but expats as well.
In the past 3 years, 15 international schools have taken part in various programmes, said a CNB spokesman.
The bureau also regularly distributes anti-drug literature to about 25 international schools here."
In the past 3 years, 15 international schools have taken part in various programmes, said a CNB spokesman.
The bureau also regularly distributes anti-drug literature to about 25 international schools here."
The message is clear: Don't say we never warn you!
Regardless, many of us wouldn't bother to read such pieces of news. It's simply not newsworthy.
It's just another government agency doing its thing.
Or is it?
Are all our Govt Agencies are similarly effective?
I think because 'our government' has done such a great job of pulling off enforcement actions and/or has done such a great job of highlighting that it has pulled off many enforcement exercises, that we assume that:
(1) ALL government agencies carry out their enforcement roles professionally
(2) As such, there is no need to watch out for ourselves, as some agency in the government will do so on our behalf.
This is a misconception.
Ok, BM, why are you so lor sor? Going on and on about such a dry topic?
Because if we do not raise awareness now, we risk serious consequences which are difficult to disentangle and resolve in the long run.
(Active vs Lame) Enforcers
I have observed a large gap between how the Active Enforcers and the Lame Enforcers. So big that it is impossible to conclude that "all Singapore government agencies carry out their enforcement roles professionally".
In general, there are 2 relative baskets of government agencies that are meant to take enforcement actions:
(A) The Active Enforcers
The Home Team is made up of 10 public agencies, of which Ministry of Home Affairs is the 'leader'.
5 out of 10 Home Team agencies carry out enforcement actions. These include the Singapore Police Force (e.g. under the Penal Code), the Immigrations & Checkpoint Authority (e.g. under Immigration Act of Singapore), Casino Regulatory Authority (e.g. under the Casino Control Act) etc.
There are other public agencies that are not under the Home Team, but also take enforcement actions. E.g. Ministry of Manpower acts under the Employment Act to take enforcement actions against say errant employers, or illegal foreign workers. Or CPIB (e.g. under Prevention of Corruption Act) etc.
(B) The Lame Enforcers
Apart from the enforcement agencies as highlighted above, there are other public agencies which are also tasked with enforcement functions. An easy way to identify them is by their names. These public agencies are, in general, statutory boards with 'authority' in their names, i.e. at least 1 Act = 1 enforcement role under their charge.
Though tasked with enforcement roles, some of these agencies do NOT carry out active enforcement actions, and/or are deficient in terms of enforcement capabilities/ competencies (to be explained in later paragraphs).
In fact, because some of them are so silent on their enforcement roles, that you may not even be aware that they are supposed to be taking enforcement actions for this and that transgressions affecting your life.
Of course, 'Active' vs 'Lame' is just a crude classification. There are stat boards which fall in-between.
E.g. In the past couple of years, NEA is seen trying very hard to move from Lame to Active. And I think it is currently somewhere in-between. It is an commendable effort.
What's the big deal with Enforcement?
Taking enforcement actions against someone/ an entity is never a pleasant task. Your 'target audience' ain't gonna be happy, and in this day and age, they will file a complaint/appeal via all possible avenues, such as writing to MPs, Prime Minister, mainstream media, non-mainstream media etc.
By then, not only does the public agency have to deal with the original complaint, it now has to defend itself against the complainant, sometimes very publicly.
Furthermore, taking enforcement is an complex process which may lead to 'serious consequences' for the offender, i.e. to be charged in court and sentenced to jail.
To top it off, assuming the officer knows how to go about this piece of work, such efforts may not even be recognised as good work.
As such, the thought process of the officers-in-charge becomes:
But, any rational individual will realise that, regardless of how unpleasant or complex the process is, there is a sound reason for the enforcement in the first place. The rules were not made for nothing. These rules are made to ensure that no one causes dis-amenities/harm to another, that no one takes more than he is entitled to etc.
And the public agency set up for the specific purpose is playing the all-important role upholding fairness and equity. It also means that if this public agency doesn't care, the 'victims' have little or no recourse.
Hence, Enforcement is important and serious business. A task which cannot be sidelined.
How difficult is Enforcement?
From my observation, only the Active Enforcers have been fully set up to carry out their enforcement functions. This means they have the complete range* of capabilities/ competencies, broadly as follows:
(a) Intelligence - Gathering of information, analysing trends, spotting areas of concern etc
(b) Operations - This is the most visible part of enforcement. This involves officers physically approaching the targets.
(c) Investigations - Finding of facts/evidence, proving guilt etc.
(d) Target audience liaison/education - The aim of these agencies is also for all to learn about what's acceptable and what's not. This will help to lower overall rate of transgressions.
*Having complete range of capabilities/ competencies does not mean that these agencies can respond to all cases immediately.
Bandwidth is a separate issue.
Using this capabilities/ competencies framework, imagine the amount of work that has gone into that single piece of CNB news featured at the start of this blog entry.
Now contrast that effort with the Lame Enforcers. Some of the Lame Enforcers have only employed a few officers for their enforcement unit.
Even if we disregard the potential volume of enforcement cases, having employed only 2 officers in the enforcement unit is unlikely to be able to cover the entire range of capabilities/ competencies required to carry out enforcement effectively, not to mention be active or enthusiastic about enforcement.
For others, enforcement is merely PART of the officer's portfolio, i.e. the officer is multi-hatting and as such tends to de-prioritise his enforcement cases.
In other words, do the Lame Enforcers take their enforcement roles seriously?
I am afraid not.
Enforcement is Unsexy & Boring
In parallel, I've also noticed that many public agencies have enthusiastically gone on the 'lifestyle' theme with their respective portfolios, devoting a lot of manpower and budget to 'beautification' and/or 'creating buzz'.
Probably because they have seen how heads of other public agencies handsomely rewarded by the system for pulling off 'beautification and buzz projects along with high levels of media coverage, along with at least 1 politician launching the event'.
Effective enforcement, on the other hand, makes boring news and/or no news to everyone, ranging from member of public, politician, public servant, pressroom etc.
I'm not saying that 'beautification 'n' buzz' are unimportant.
However, if a statutory board was set up based on an Act, its first and foremost responsibility is to fulfill its enforcement role. After which the stat board can choose to branch out into other areas.
In simple words and example:
If the Immigration & Checkout Authority decided that it would henceforth re-prioritise its focus:
(i) Zhnging its physical facilities (e.g. to install designer fountains with laser light shows, designer gardens, and massive designer chandeliers in all its checkpoint facilities); and
(ii) Creating buzz (e.g. holding 'world-class' festivals and celebrations at the designer fountains, in the designer gardens, and under the designer chandelier; while
(iii) Reducing manpower devoted to its passenger clearance and enforcement capabilities.
How would that impact your life and mine?
Immediately, you will get many illegal immigrants freely walking into Singapore, guns will be brought onto our land, weird (dead) exotic animal (parts) and a lot of hardcore drugs circulating in our system etc. Lovely.
The top leaders (politicians and civil servants) need to re-visit the fact that, amidst 'exciting and visually-obvious' beautification and buzz' projects, enforcement is an invisible but essential factor of how and why Singapore has become a world-class city today.
How to get their Enforcement Act together?
Taking a leaf out of the books of non-Home Team Active Enforcers such as Ministry of Manpower, look for experienced enforcement officers from the Home Team.
I'm not suggesting poaching. That's just unsophisticated, myopic, and simply dull.
Instead, I'm suggesting a public service-wide enforcement capabilities/ competencies development scheme in the following order:
(A) To recognise and prioritise importance of enforcement and enforcement officers in the Public Service.
(B) For senior and junior Home Team officers with such invaluable experience to be recognised, and channeled for extended good use in other parts of the public service.
(C) To set up a public service enforcement knowledge and training platform. (Read in-between the lines if your CEP is high enough.)
(D) To train up public officers without enforcement experience to become enforcement officers.
Is carrying out the above within the capabilities and competencies of PSD and Civil Service College? O_o
The message is clear: Don't say we never warn you!
Regardless, many of us wouldn't bother to read such pieces of news. It's simply not newsworthy.
It's just another government agency doing its thing.
Or is it?
Are all our Govt Agencies are similarly effective?
I think because 'our government' has done such a great job of pulling off enforcement actions and/or has done such a great job of highlighting that it has pulled off many enforcement exercises, that we assume that:
(1) ALL government agencies carry out their enforcement roles professionally
(2) As such, there is no need to watch out for ourselves, as some agency in the government will do so on our behalf.
This is a misconception.
Ok, BM, why are you so lor sor? Going on and on about such a dry topic?
Because if we do not raise awareness now, we risk serious consequences which are difficult to disentangle and resolve in the long run.
(Active vs Lame) Enforcers
I have observed a large gap between how the Active Enforcers and the Lame Enforcers. So big that it is impossible to conclude that "all Singapore government agencies carry out their enforcement roles professionally".
In general, there are 2 relative baskets of government agencies that are meant to take enforcement actions:
(A) The Active Enforcers
The Home Team is made up of 10 public agencies, of which Ministry of Home Affairs is the 'leader'.
5 out of 10 Home Team agencies carry out enforcement actions. These include the Singapore Police Force (e.g. under the Penal Code), the Immigrations & Checkpoint Authority (e.g. under Immigration Act of Singapore), Casino Regulatory Authority (e.g. under the Casino Control Act) etc.
There are other public agencies that are not under the Home Team, but also take enforcement actions. E.g. Ministry of Manpower acts under the Employment Act to take enforcement actions against say errant employers, or illegal foreign workers. Or CPIB (e.g. under Prevention of Corruption Act) etc.
(B) The Lame Enforcers
Apart from the enforcement agencies as highlighted above, there are other public agencies which are also tasked with enforcement functions. An easy way to identify them is by their names. These public agencies are, in general, statutory boards with 'authority' in their names, i.e. at least 1 Act = 1 enforcement role under their charge.
Though tasked with enforcement roles, some of these agencies do NOT carry out active enforcement actions, and/or are deficient in terms of enforcement capabilities/ competencies (to be explained in later paragraphs).
In fact, because some of them are so silent on their enforcement roles, that you may not even be aware that they are supposed to be taking enforcement actions for this and that transgressions affecting your life.
Of course, 'Active' vs 'Lame' is just a crude classification. There are stat boards which fall in-between.
E.g. In the past couple of years, NEA is seen trying very hard to move from Lame to Active. And I think it is currently somewhere in-between. It is an commendable effort.
What's the big deal with Enforcement?
Taking enforcement actions against someone/ an entity is never a pleasant task. Your 'target audience' ain't gonna be happy, and in this day and age, they will file a complaint/appeal via all possible avenues, such as writing to MPs, Prime Minister, mainstream media, non-mainstream media etc.
By then, not only does the public agency have to deal with the original complaint, it now has to defend itself against the complainant, sometimes very publicly.
Furthermore, taking enforcement is an complex process which may lead to 'serious consequences' for the offender, i.e. to be charged in court and sentenced to jail.
To top it off, assuming the officer knows how to go about this piece of work, such efforts may not even be recognised as good work.
As such, the thought process of the officers-in-charge becomes:
Waaaaahhh! So troublesome! So scary!
(Read in-between lines: I dunno how to handle!)
(Read in-between lines: I dunno how to handle!)
Let's not do it. Just reject the original complaint.
But, any rational individual will realise that, regardless of how unpleasant or complex the process is, there is a sound reason for the enforcement in the first place. The rules were not made for nothing. These rules are made to ensure that no one causes dis-amenities/harm to another, that no one takes more than he is entitled to etc.
And the public agency set up for the specific purpose is playing the all-important role upholding fairness and equity. It also means that if this public agency doesn't care, the 'victims' have little or no recourse.
Hence, Enforcement is important and serious business. A task which cannot be sidelined.
How difficult is Enforcement?
From my observation, only the Active Enforcers have been fully set up to carry out their enforcement functions. This means they have the complete range* of capabilities/ competencies, broadly as follows:
(a) Intelligence - Gathering of information, analysing trends, spotting areas of concern etc
(b) Operations - This is the most visible part of enforcement. This involves officers physically approaching the targets.
(c) Investigations - Finding of facts/evidence, proving guilt etc.
(d) Target audience liaison/education - The aim of these agencies is also for all to learn about what's acceptable and what's not. This will help to lower overall rate of transgressions.
*Having complete range of capabilities/ competencies does not mean that these agencies can respond to all cases immediately.
Bandwidth is a separate issue.
Using this capabilities/ competencies framework, imagine the amount of work that has gone into that single piece of CNB news featured at the start of this blog entry.
Now contrast that effort with the Lame Enforcers. Some of the Lame Enforcers have only employed a few officers for their enforcement unit.
Even if we disregard the potential volume of enforcement cases, having employed only 2 officers in the enforcement unit is unlikely to be able to cover the entire range of capabilities/ competencies required to carry out enforcement effectively, not to mention be active or enthusiastic about enforcement.
For others, enforcement is merely PART of the officer's portfolio, i.e. the officer is multi-hatting and as such tends to de-prioritise his enforcement cases.
In other words, do the Lame Enforcers take their enforcement roles seriously?
I am afraid not.
Enforcement is Unsexy & Boring
In parallel, I've also noticed that many public agencies have enthusiastically gone on the 'lifestyle' theme with their respective portfolios, devoting a lot of manpower and budget to 'beautification' and/or 'creating buzz'.
Probably because they have seen how heads of other public agencies handsomely rewarded by the system for pulling off 'beautification and buzz projects along with high levels of media coverage, along with at least 1 politician launching the event'.
Effective enforcement, on the other hand, makes boring news and/or no news to everyone, ranging from member of public, politician, public servant, pressroom etc.
I'm not saying that 'beautification 'n' buzz' are unimportant.
However, if a statutory board was set up based on an Act, its first and foremost responsibility is to fulfill its enforcement role. After which the stat board can choose to branch out into other areas.
In simple words and example:
If the Immigration & Checkout Authority decided that it would henceforth re-prioritise its focus:
(i) Zhnging its physical facilities (e.g. to install designer fountains with laser light shows, designer gardens, and massive designer chandeliers in all its checkpoint facilities); and
(ii) Creating buzz (e.g. holding 'world-class' festivals and celebrations at the designer fountains, in the designer gardens, and under the designer chandelier; while
(iii) Reducing manpower devoted to its passenger clearance and enforcement capabilities.
How would that impact your life and mine?
Immediately, you will get many illegal immigrants freely walking into Singapore, guns will be brought onto our land, weird (dead) exotic animal (parts) and a lot of hardcore drugs circulating in our system etc. Lovely.
The top leaders (politicians and civil servants) need to re-visit the fact that, amidst 'exciting and visually-obvious' beautification and buzz' projects, enforcement is an invisible but essential factor of how and why Singapore has become a world-class city today.
How to get their Enforcement Act together?
Taking a leaf out of the books of non-Home Team Active Enforcers such as Ministry of Manpower, look for experienced enforcement officers from the Home Team.
I'm not suggesting poaching. That's just unsophisticated, myopic, and simply dull.
Instead, I'm suggesting a public service-wide enforcement capabilities/ competencies development scheme in the following order:
(A) To recognise and prioritise importance of enforcement and enforcement officers in the Public Service.
(B) For senior and junior Home Team officers with such invaluable experience to be recognised, and channeled for extended good use in other parts of the public service.
(C) To set up a public service enforcement knowledge and training platform. (Read in-between the lines if your CEP is high enough.)
(D) To train up public officers without enforcement experience to become enforcement officers.
Is carrying out the above within the capabilities and competencies of PSD and Civil Service College? O_o
Kamis, 15 September 2011
Our 'Lunatic Fringe' is not the Problem.
RE: Most Singaporeans still rely on traditional media
RE: 3 in 10 S'poreans cynical about politicians
IPS did a survey of about 1,100 Singaporeans (21 yrs old and above) in early 2011, and found that:
(A) 12.6% said they go online for their political-news. Less than 1% relied solely on online alternative media for political news
(B) 30% said they do not trust politicans to act in their best interests, and this 'cynicism' is linked to exposure to online media.
The researcher concluded that policy-makers should go on the internet and hold interpersonal discussions to "reach and convert" these cynics.
Let's visualise the findings.
Assuming all 12.6% who go online for political news, also do not trust politicians. You find them clustered together as the blue C1.
I guess C1 is also the same group which Minister Chan Chun Sing called 'the Lunatic Fringe'.
And as highlighted by PM Lee, government agencies are going all out to tackle C1 in cyberspace.
However, I think our politicians have a bigger problem than the so-called lunatic C1.
What's really interesting is the group highlighted in green C2.
In reality, not all who go online for political news will distrust politicians. Hence, if the C1 box shifts left a little, C2 may well make up 20% of Singaporeans above 21, i.e. can be 2 times of lunatic C1.
More significantly, people in C2 are cynical of politicians, but do NOT get their political news from the lunatic cyberspace.
If so, where the fuck are people in C2 getting their cynicism from??
From mainstream media?? OMG?! Is this even humanly possible?
Is it genetic?? Are they delusional?
How to convert them? Can they be 'saved'??
Will they spread their disease around and taint the white masses (who also do not read up on political stuff online)?
Using more developed countries' cynicism levels as benchmarks, it is clear that the Cynics group will only grow in terms of numbers and proportion to the total voters' population.
Then, what's intriguing is the split between C1 and C2.
I bet there are differences between the demographic profiles of C1 and C2.
Coincidentally, the findings of this IPS survey can be crudely mapped with the recent PE2011 voting results.
RE: 3 in 10 S'poreans cynical about politicians
IPS did a survey of about 1,100 Singaporeans (21 yrs old and above) in early 2011, and found that:
(A) 12.6% said they go online for their political-news. Less than 1% relied solely on online alternative media for political news
(B) 30% said they do not trust politicans to act in their best interests, and this 'cynicism' is linked to exposure to online media.
The researcher concluded that policy-makers should go on the internet and hold interpersonal discussions to "reach and convert" these cynics.
Let's visualise the findings.
Assuming all 12.6% who go online for political news, also do not trust politicians. You find them clustered together as the blue C1.
(Click on the diagram to expand it.)
I guess C1 is also the same group which Minister Chan Chun Sing called 'the Lunatic Fringe'.
And as highlighted by PM Lee, government agencies are going all out to tackle C1 in cyberspace.
However, I think our politicians have a bigger problem than the so-called lunatic C1.
What's really interesting is the group highlighted in green C2.
In reality, not all who go online for political news will distrust politicians. Hence, if the C1 box shifts left a little, C2 may well make up 20% of Singaporeans above 21, i.e. can be 2 times of lunatic C1.
More significantly, people in C2 are cynical of politicians, but do NOT get their political news from the lunatic cyberspace.
If so, where the fuck are people in C2 getting their cynicism from??
From mainstream media?? OMG?! Is this even humanly possible?
Is it genetic?? Are they delusional?
How to convert them? Can they be 'saved'??
Will they spread their disease around and taint the white masses (who also do not read up on political stuff online)?
Using more developed countries' cynicism levels as benchmarks, it is clear that the Cynics group will only grow in terms of numbers and proportion to the total voters' population.
Then, what's intriguing is the split between C1 and C2.
I bet there are differences between the demographic profiles of C1 and C2.
Coincidentally, the findings of this IPS survey can be crudely mapped with the recent PE2011 voting results.
Senin, 12 September 2011
Tonight's Special: 中秋节
He came back home for dinner at 7.30pm, then left at 8pm and headed for the office again.
Tonight's special: Ginseng oyster mushroom soup
Hope it works.
Tonight's special: Ginseng oyster mushroom soup
Hope it works.
Minggu, 11 September 2011
Is Population Growth a Ponzi Scheme?
"The underlying strategy of Ponzi demography is to privatize the profits and socialize the costs incurred from increased population growth...
According to Ponzi demography, population growth — through natural increase and immigration — means more people leading to increased demands for goods and services, more material consumption, more borrowing, more on credit and of course more profits. Everything seems fantastic for a while — but like all Ponzi schemes, Ponzi demography is unsustainable....
Among its primary tactics, Ponzi demography exploits the fear of population decline and aging. Without a young and growing population, we are forewarned of becoming a nation facing financial ruin and a loss of national power...
Among other things, increased immigration, it is declared, is a matter of national security, long-term prosperity and international competitiveness. Without this needed immigration, Ponzi demography warns that the country’s future is at serious risk.
Another basic tactic of Ponzi demography is a pervasive and unrelenting public relations campaign promoting the advantages and necessity of an increasing population for continued economic growth. Every effort is made to equate population growth with economic prosperity and national progress.
"Economic growth requires population growth" is the basic message that Ponzi demography wants the public to swallow. No mention is made of the additional profits they reap and the extra costs the public bears..."
Please take some time to read the entire article by the Globalist here.
According to Ponzi demography, population growth — through natural increase and immigration — means more people leading to increased demands for goods and services, more material consumption, more borrowing, more on credit and of course more profits. Everything seems fantastic for a while — but like all Ponzi schemes, Ponzi demography is unsustainable....
Among its primary tactics, Ponzi demography exploits the fear of population decline and aging. Without a young and growing population, we are forewarned of becoming a nation facing financial ruin and a loss of national power...
Among other things, increased immigration, it is declared, is a matter of national security, long-term prosperity and international competitiveness. Without this needed immigration, Ponzi demography warns that the country’s future is at serious risk.
Another basic tactic of Ponzi demography is a pervasive and unrelenting public relations campaign promoting the advantages and necessity of an increasing population for continued economic growth. Every effort is made to equate population growth with economic prosperity and national progress.
"Economic growth requires population growth" is the basic message that Ponzi demography wants the public to swallow. No mention is made of the additional profits they reap and the extra costs the public bears..."
Please take some time to read the entire article by the Globalist here.
Sabtu, 10 September 2011
Lost in Translation
Shared by a friend on FB:
"A father & daughter dashed into the train & the girl went
Imagine the Mandarin version,

This photo of Iga is courtesy of TripAdvisor
"A father & daughter dashed into the train & the girl went
"You are so cool Dad! You ran in like a ninja!""
Imagine the Mandarin version,
This photo of Iga is courtesy of TripAdvisor
Next Holiday Destination: North Korea
Baby! Let's go to North Korea for our next holiday!
![]() |
북한은 우리가 간다! |
Jumat, 09 September 2011
Funny & Educational
You see? No need to cross-dress.
This variety show (at least this episode) is funny AND (lightly) educational.
Laughed until I teared... LOL!!!
This variety show (at least this episode) is funny AND (lightly) educational.
Laughed until I teared... LOL!!!
Since you are here...
Read this (again):
All the rhetoric about locals vs foreigners, rising housing prices, transport prices, unhappiness over P1 registration, how locals girls are too uppity to glance at local men, how local men are unattractive, falling marriage rate, falling birthrate, how NS is a waste of time...
Let's solve it once and for all...
And the solution is to unlock the value of National Service (NS).
All the rhetoric about locals vs foreigners, rising housing prices, transport prices, unhappiness over P1 registration, how locals girls are too uppity to glance at local men, how local men are unattractive, falling marriage rate, falling birthrate, how NS is a waste of time...
Let's solve it once and for all...
And the solution is to unlock the value of National Service (NS).
Rabu, 07 September 2011
Perils of being a Female PhD Student
RE: 'My mind was a total blank'
"Mr Lee paused and looked at Miss Sim.
“How old are you now?” he wanted to know.
“Twenty-seven,” she replied.
The queries came thick and fast: Are you married? (No) When will you finish your PhD? (In two years) So you’ll be 29 then. Do you have a boyfriend? (No)
That was when Mr Lee drew attention to the biological clock and a woman’s child-bearing years.
After 35 (years old), the dangers of having children with Down syndrome rises, he said.
“My advice, please don’t waste time. I hope you get your PhD and your boyfriend,” he added.
The audience laughed loudly. Miss Sim turned red.
She told The New Paper: “It was very, very embarrassing. At that moment, I wanted to hug myself and disappear.""
I wonder if Mr LKY would ask a male student about his age, his marital status and tell him to quickly finish his PhD, get a partner, and make babies.
Perhaps Mr LKY wouldn't ask a male student such questions because, ultimately, it is the willingness of the womb of the beholder that matters. Get to the root of the problem.
Notice that Mr LKY did not ask Ms Sim if she had even wanted to be a mother in the first place. He simply assumed that she should.
And after all that jabbing, did Mr LKY answer the question which Ms Sim had stood up to ask?
"Given the big influx of immigrants here in a short time, and a dilution of the national identity, what can we do to create a sense of belonging and foster social cohesiveness, she asked."
Ms Sim should not feel embarrassed at all.
Instead, Mr Lee and all those unthinking people who laughed along in the lecture theatre ought to.
"Mr Lee paused and looked at Miss Sim.
“How old are you now?” he wanted to know.
“Twenty-seven,” she replied.
The queries came thick and fast: Are you married? (No) When will you finish your PhD? (In two years) So you’ll be 29 then. Do you have a boyfriend? (No)
That was when Mr Lee drew attention to the biological clock and a woman’s child-bearing years.
After 35 (years old), the dangers of having children with Down syndrome rises, he said.
“My advice, please don’t waste time. I hope you get your PhD and your boyfriend,” he added.
The audience laughed loudly. Miss Sim turned red.
She told The New Paper: “It was very, very embarrassing. At that moment, I wanted to hug myself and disappear.""
I wonder if Mr LKY would ask a male student about his age, his marital status and tell him to quickly finish his PhD, get a partner, and make babies.
Perhaps Mr LKY wouldn't ask a male student such questions because, ultimately, it is the willingness of the womb of the beholder that matters. Get to the root of the problem.
Notice that Mr LKY did not ask Ms Sim if she had even wanted to be a mother in the first place. He simply assumed that she should.
And after all that jabbing, did Mr LKY answer the question which Ms Sim had stood up to ask?
"Given the big influx of immigrants here in a short time, and a dilution of the national identity, what can we do to create a sense of belonging and foster social cohesiveness, she asked."
Or was she being punished for asking such a question?
Ms Sim should not feel embarrassed at all.
Instead, Mr Lee and all those unthinking people who laughed along in the lecture theatre ought to.
Selasa, 06 September 2011
Cross-Dressing & Variety Shows
I find it mind-numbing that Channel 8 keeps producing cross-dressing personalities.
First, it was Liang PoPo,

I cannot remember anymore in-between, and now it's Auntie Lucy...

For 20 freaking years, they repeat the same formula.
Unlike Kumar, these cross-dressing comedians are not even funny without their dresses. That's the problem.
It's even more disgusting when you realise that the man behind Liang Popo and Liang Simei, is married with kids, cannot control his dick, and loves to fuck around with young chicks.
How fucked up is this??
I can't help but to ask:
Do we lack (biologically female) comedic talents?
Is this insistence on cross-dressing,
some kind of psychosis,
as demonstrated by 'creative producers in Mediacorp'
by the audience that enthusiastically lap up such entertainment?
Please remember that just because we grew up watching crap, doesn't mean that our kids have to.
Some people argue that these cross-dressing personalities on TV are not for the educated white collars' consumption, but for the low to middle income Chinese masses.
To that, I stare with my eyes wide open and exclaim,"WTF kind of condescension is that?!!
Just because they make less money and/or are less-educated, they are supposed to be watching brainless cross-dressers on TV?!
If you know better, it is then your responsibility to 'help them progress', not fold your arms and conclude that 'it's like that'.
On a somewhat related note...
When I was a kid, my father disallowed me to watch (i) Channel 5 altogether, and (ii) variety shows on Channel 8.
Disallowing (i) was because he did not want me to become Ang Mo Pai. In his own limited ways, he was fighting an up-slope war. Did he win? I would say, the war is not over till it's over, i.e. till I die. LOL!
Disallowing (ii) was because he thought variety shows were and still are crap.
Effectively, I was only allowed limited time to watch (i) the kid's channel, and (ii) drama and news on Channel 8.
This one-sided consumption of TV led to a couple of incidents (discussed in an earlier entry)...
During an English oral exam in Pri 2, I could not understand what the reading passage was about, because the key word of the passage was 'Causeway'. I later found out from classmates that the passage was about the bridge between Singapore and Malaysia.
If the passage had been in Chinese, I would have been able to understand immediately what 新柔长堤 was and read it aloud, because I had learnt about this while watching Channel 8 news.
Also, in Pri 2, no one in my class, except for me, knew what 'passport' was in Mandarin, i.e. 护照. Another term I'd learnt from watching Chinese news.
Curious moral of the story: Kids ought to mainly watch English AND Chinese news, coz most variety shows ain't gonna teach you shite, especially when you are watching Auntie Lucy stroking her face and showing off her muscular legs.
We need real hardcore talk shows, and not more cross-dressers.
Monkeys, Monkeys, Monkeys!!
Inspired by Rise of the Planet of the Apes, I slept very late last night coz I was reading my big book on Primates from cover to cover... again...
I wanna go to Jigokudani Monkey Park, Nagano, Japan, to meet these Japanese Macaques.
Look at how relaxed they are... Click on the pic to check out the facial expression of the 3rd monkey from the left with his arms hanging over the rocks.
I like primates. =))
And did you know that it is illegal to keep exotic animals such as reptiles, amphibians and primates as pets in Singapore?
But... what if a (baby) monkey from Bukit Timah Nature Reserve follows me home and doesn't leave?
I don't think Blinky will be too happy.
And did you know that it is illegal to keep exotic animals such as reptiles, amphibians and primates as pets in Singapore?
But... what if a (baby) monkey from Bukit Timah Nature Reserve follows me home and doesn't leave?
I don't think Blinky will be too happy.
Minggu, 04 September 2011
Singaporean Values Version 4.6
RE: New citizens should uphold S'porean values, says Dr Yaacob - Channel NewsAsia
"Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Yaacob Ibrahim has urged new citizens to uphold Singaporean values and build a shared future for the country.
He said they should play a part in contributing to the nation through active community involvement, such as volunteering at welfare homes or playing a part in outreach programmes.
He also expressed confidence that the new Singaporeans will embrace these values and help enlarge the common space that help to bind the people."
Really?? Singaporean values = active community involvement? Since when?
"Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Yaacob Ibrahim has urged new citizens to uphold Singaporean values and build a shared future for the country.
He said they should play a part in contributing to the nation through active community involvement, such as volunteering at welfare homes or playing a part in outreach programmes.
He also expressed confidence that the new Singaporeans will embrace these values and help enlarge the common space that help to bind the people."
Really?? Singaporean values = active community involvement? Since when?
Is this in the new syllabus of 好公民?
No one sent me the updated instruction manual.
If Singaporeans do not even know what these values are, how will the new citizens learn about them? Make up their own?
Are we talking about the colours and celestial symbols on the national flag?
Or are we talking about values which guide our daily lives at the individual level, not at the national level...
Example: Are we still talking about the infamous 5Cs?
The 5Cs are a crude set of material gains indicators that merely shows that one is no longer a struggling peasant/labourer in terms of financial accumulation.
I observe that many people are still using this 1980s/90s set of 5Cs 'values' zealously! LOL!!
Patting themselves on the back enthusiastically when they finally realise their 5Cs dream, or feeling really shitty about themselves (and everyone around them, including this country) when they wake up to the reality that they are unlikely to achieve them in this lifetime.
Regardless, Minister Yaacob's comments have raise a pertinent issue.
What exactly are Singaporean Values?
If Singaporeans do not even know what these values are, how will the new citizens learn about them? Make up their own?
Are we talking about the colours and celestial symbols on the national flag?
Or are we talking about values which guide our daily lives at the individual level, not at the national level...
Example: Are we still talking about the infamous 5Cs?
![]() |
If you are a straight Singaporean male, your Singaporean values may include a 6th C, i.e. Chiobu. |
The 5Cs are a crude set of material gains indicators that merely shows that one is no longer a struggling peasant/labourer in terms of financial accumulation.
I observe that many people are still using this 1980s/90s set of 5Cs 'values' zealously! LOL!!
Patting themselves on the back enthusiastically when they finally realise their 5Cs dream, or feeling really shitty about themselves (and everyone around them, including this country) when they wake up to the reality that they are unlikely to achieve them in this lifetime.
While it is impossible for all Singaporeans to conclude on the set of values, it is definitely worthwhile for all Singaporeans to think about the values which a Singaporean should hold close to his heart.
Perhaps we need to figure out a set of 'Pre-Developed Country Values' that have gotten us thus far, and another set of 'Post-Developed Country Values' values which will see us through more good years together as one nation.
Instead of quibbling over land parcels within Aljunied GRC, PA, together with the newly-elected President, should be putting their resources and networks to good use, i.e. to explore such issues.
Let the debate begin. With sound planning and orchestration, this will keep the nation occupied till the end of the year, or when the ministers' pay review is announced, whichever is earlier.
What are your Singaporean values?
'Pre-Developed Country Values' & 'Post-Developed Country Values'.
Let the debate begin. With sound planning and orchestration, this will keep the nation occupied till the end of the year, or when the ministers' pay review is announced, whichever is earlier.
What are your Singaporean values?
'Pre-Developed Country Values' & 'Post-Developed Country Values'.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
If you haven't caught Rise of the Planet of the Apes... Please do so soon. It's much much better than the Planet of the Apes which was screened 10 years ago. In fact, it's a standalone story.
I think, this film is simply,
**Spoiler Ahead**
I shan't give you a summary of the storyline, but I want to focus on a specific feature in the story.
As Caesar embarked on his journey to unite and control the primates in the enclosure, he gave the dominant ape, Rocket, some cookies, which Rocket enjoyed very much. Then Caesar allowed Rocket to have the honour of being the 'sole distributor' of cookies to the rest, making everyone very happy and loyal in the process.
One of the more intelligent primates, an orang utan called Maurice, later asked Caesar in sign language:
I think, this film is simply,
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
= (监狱风云 + Ape Terrorists ) x Contagion
![]() |
The Primate Inmates on the loose (from left): Maurice, Caesar, Buck & Rocket |
**Spoiler Ahead**
I shan't give you a summary of the storyline, but I want to focus on a specific feature in the story.
As Caesar embarked on his journey to unite and control the primates in the enclosure, he gave the dominant ape, Rocket, some cookies, which Rocket enjoyed very much. Then Caesar allowed Rocket to have the honour of being the 'sole distributor' of cookies to the rest, making everyone very happy and loyal in the process.
One of the more intelligent primates, an orang utan called Maurice, later asked Caesar in sign language:
Why Cookie Rocket?
I think this is the most brilliant touch of this film.
I love how Caesar had made use of Rocket by giving him the cookies and their sole distributorship, especially how the cookies were in fact acquired by outwitting the enemy.
Do you see the familiar parallel?
This Caesar vs Cookie Rocket system?
It's reminiscent of a system that has worked well in SG to command and control.
I love how Caesar had made use of Rocket by giving him the cookies and their sole distributorship, especially how the cookies were in fact acquired by outwitting the enemy.
Do you see the familiar parallel?
This Caesar vs Cookie Rocket system?
It's reminiscent of a system that has worked well in SG to command and control.
Caesar believed that the primates must unite, but Maurice thought that the primates couldn't be united because they were fundamentally stupid. After which Caesar decided to make them 'smarter'. I thought that's like introducing systematic public education. Just cannot make them smarter than Caesar. LOL!!
Jumat, 02 September 2011
Women, Love & Marriage
I've written much about love relationships in the past. The recent Economist articles (here, and here) on how Asian women, especially in East and South East Asian, are rejecting marriage.
Usually, such articles cite the following:
(A) The usual stats, i.e. increasing average women's age at marriage, unmarried women at 'mature ages', decreasing birth rates etc
(B) The usual reasons why these women are delaying and/or ignoring marriage altogether, i.e. higher education, rising costs of living, desire for 'freedom', desire to marry up etc.
I gonna offer an alternative look at this 'social problem'.
'Rising costs of living' is the lamest explanation of all, coz 'love' is always the answer.
And 'love' is also the problem.
I have Freedom of Choice! Therefore, I am Single
As I trip myself into the mid-30s, my friends from school have arrived too. Some are married with children, some are attached, others are single and have been single for a while.
Beyond females in my age group, I notice that the single most significant reason of why women are not 'attached'/married is because of the perception of 'freedom of choice'.
This liberating idea allows the female to choose.
Multiply that with their newfound confidence by so-called 'excelling in school', she believes she can solve any puzzle that comes her way, and proceeds to make many choices. She believes she knows how to make such decisions.
Popular culture is to be blamed, especially romantic stories of cute-sy couples and/or tall, dark, handsome, manly, perfect men.
You may laugh at this... Thinking that this doesn't 'sound' like a solid intelligent explanation.
Did you know that significantly more females (above age of 15) watch TV, especially dramas, than males do?
Being constantly exposed to such unreal romantic themes has to affect one's perceptions. Remember, we learn by and make decisions based on pattern recognition.
I'm sure we've all heard stories of psycho girlfriends who refuse to speak their minds to their boyfriends, yet get very angry when the latter do not behave in the way the former expect.
I call this the 'act-coy girlfriend trap'.
Guys, the point is, you are supposed to know what the fuck she wants without her having to tell you. If you manage to do all that, it shows that you know her very well, and as such, you are 'the one'. A great discovery which she can go tell her friends about. Hence, obviously and most logically, she can't tell you what she wants, coz that would mean she made the first move and conceded 'defeat' to this invisible audience watching your so-called romance unfold. O_o
Also, look at how people, especially women, spend extreme number of hours and amount of money (some even borrow) on their 'dream wedding'. From the gown, to the wedding invites, to the music, to making her girlfriends in the most ridiculous shade of pink to match the flowers.
It is a proxy to demonstrate how 'romanticised' they are about their relationship.
Or how crazily 'ideal men', such as Bae Yong Joon, are idolised by women from their 20s onwards.
Even if no one is likely to admit this, I believe many women do not simply hope that, but instead EXPECT that their courtships, steady relationships, marriage etc are to be like those found in contemporary romantic stories.
Multiply this fantastic expectation with 'Freedom of Choice', and we get women who continuously cannot find a steady partner, because no one is 'good enough' for her.
So what have we learnt here?
Don't get me started on the male side of this equation of relationships. Of those men who believe girlfriends ought to look like those in men's magazine and good sex mimics porn.
Usually, such articles cite the following:
(A) The usual stats, i.e. increasing average women's age at marriage, unmarried women at 'mature ages', decreasing birth rates etc
(B) The usual reasons why these women are delaying and/or ignoring marriage altogether, i.e. higher education, rising costs of living, desire for 'freedom', desire to marry up etc.
I gonna offer an alternative look at this 'social problem'.
'Rising costs of living' is the lamest explanation of all, coz 'love' is always the answer.
And 'love' is also the problem.
I have Freedom of Choice! Therefore, I am Single
As I trip myself into the mid-30s, my friends from school have arrived too. Some are married with children, some are attached, others are single and have been single for a while.
Beyond females in my age group, I notice that the single most significant reason of why women are not 'attached'/married is because of the perception of 'freedom of choice'.
This liberating idea allows the female to choose.
Multiply that with their newfound confidence by so-called 'excelling in school', she believes she can solve any puzzle that comes her way, and proceeds to make many choices. She believes she knows how to make such decisions.
- Career or Partnership?
- Marrying up or down?
- Older or younger?
- Handsome or Intelligent?
- Rich or Talent or Hardworking?
- Guy A or Guy B or Guy C?
- Now or later?
Lack of 10,000 hours of Training
The problem is that this 'freedom of choice' did not come with 10,000 hours of training. This means she's unlikely to be adept at such decision-making when she first starts to date.
If the average girl starts dating at 18 and is relatively intelligent about it, she gets really good at choosing her life partner by the end of the 10,000 hours, which works out roughly to be when she turns 28.
For those who decided to marry really early, i.e. early 20s, some may soon regret their decision because:
(i) They really did make a wrong choice of partner and/or marriage did not live up to their young adult expectations; and/or
(ii) Still in their 20s, they believe they are still attractive, and therefore still have choices.
As such, many such early marriages end up in divorces. They then enter into another marriage in their 30s.
I only want the Perfect Man
Even after 10,000 hours of training, there are women who are still unable to find steady partners. I have a separate explanation for that.Popular culture is to be blamed, especially romantic stories of cute-sy couples and/or tall, dark, handsome, manly, perfect men.
You may laugh at this... Thinking that this doesn't 'sound' like a solid intelligent explanation.
Did you know that significantly more females (above age of 15) watch TV, especially dramas, than males do?
Being constantly exposed to such unreal romantic themes has to affect one's perceptions. Remember, we learn by and make decisions based on pattern recognition.
I'm sure we've all heard stories of psycho girlfriends who refuse to speak their minds to their boyfriends, yet get very angry when the latter do not behave in the way the former expect.
I call this the 'act-coy girlfriend trap'.
Guys, the point is, you are supposed to know what the fuck she wants without her having to tell you. If you manage to do all that, it shows that you know her very well, and as such, you are 'the one'. A great discovery which she can go tell her friends about. Hence, obviously and most logically, she can't tell you what she wants, coz that would mean she made the first move and conceded 'defeat' to this invisible audience watching your so-called romance unfold. O_o
It is a proxy to demonstrate how 'romanticised' they are about their relationship.
Or how crazily 'ideal men', such as Bae Yong Joon, are idolised by women from their 20s onwards.
Even if no one is likely to admit this, I believe many women do not simply hope that, but instead EXPECT that their courtships, steady relationships, marriage etc are to be like those found in contemporary romantic stories.
Multiply this fantastic expectation with 'Freedom of Choice', and we get women who continuously cannot find a steady partner, because no one is 'good enough' for her.
So what have we learnt here?
- That the average unmarried woman wants to get married, or at least find a life partner.
- She's impeded by her insistence that she has freedom of choice and that the perfect rom-com man exists. Settling for anything/anyone less is imperfect and must be an unhappy outcome. She's in love with 'love'.
- She believes she knows what she's doing.
Don't get me started on the male side of this equation of relationships. Of those men who believe girlfriends ought to look like those in men's magazine and good sex mimics porn.
Kamis, 01 September 2011
Shiok Sendiri
RE: Socialites raise $17,000 for breast cancer foundation over tea
Anyone with common sense has got to raise an eyebrow.
Only S$17k raised for at a charity event held at St Regis and attended by 120 'distinguished socialites'?
That's like an average donation of S$141.67 per socialite. O_o
The question is:
If the socialites had scrapped the event altogether, and donated all cost/sponsorship amounts to charity instead, I'm sure the figure would have been more than S$17k.
That's like an average donation of S$141.67 per socialite. O_o
The question is:
How much did the charity tea dance event cost?
And/or the cost of the new dresses/shoes/hairdos, specially procured and donned by the socialites for this event?
If the socialites had scrapped the event altogether, and donated all cost/sponsorship amounts to charity instead, I'm sure the figure would have been more than S$17k.
Or are the rich unwilling to donate if they are not treated to a tea dance?
But even after they had been treated to tea, the donations were... S$17k or S$141.67 per head.
Perhaps this is a sign to commoners that recession is coming!
Perhaps this is a sign to commoners that recession is coming!
Shining Inheritance 찬란한 유산 灿烂的遗产
Watching Shining Inheritance/Brilliant Legacy is super frustrating.

**WARNING!! Spoiler ahead**
Don't get me wrong. This is a great series. Han Hyo Joo is so cute and convincing, even when the script drops way off the usual believable scale.
But the problem is that ONCE AGAIN Han Hyo Joo does not get together with my favourite 天寿哥!! Once again, the good guy who did everything right did not get the girl. ROOOAAAARRRR!!! =_=
At first, I was totally against developing any empathy for Lee Seung Gi, ie the guy whom Han Hyo Joo got together with in this series.
Alas, his boyish-monkey charms are undeniable.
(He proves his cute prowess again in My Girlfriend is a Gumiho 내 여자친구는 구미호 我的女友是九尾狐.)
天寿哥 is, after all, an ajeossi 아저씨 oredi.
对不起, 天寿哥!
最 MAN 最帅的,还是你。只不过,李昇基他比较可爱!
My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox (Gumiho) 내 여자친구는 구미호 我的女友是九尾狐
I was made to watch My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox.
I'm not exactly a fan of rom-com TV series, mostly because I do not believe in the popular social construct of romance and so-called L.U.R.V.E.. I'd rather watch family-based Korean dramas, where the mother-in-law is the public enemy No. 1. LOL! =)))
Regardless of my personal preferences, because life is about compromises and living means sucking such compromises up with an enthusiastic smile, I completed the series which featured the singer-actor Lee Seung Gi and model-singer-actress Shin Min Ah.
This series has a great sound track, especially 'Fox Rain'.
In the series, whenever it starts to rain during a sunny day, it means the fox is crying.
Back to the resistance...
The protagonists, despite how cute they were as a couple, had neither mothers nor mothers-in-law. What a disappointment.
Nah... The story line is decent and the actors did a great job. =))
The thing about Korean actors and actresses, they are very determined to be the best that they can... The leads were in their early 20s, but you know they know what they are doing.
OK, the real reason why I was kept glued to this series is the ultra androgynous No Min-woo.
According to a quick and dirty survey amongst my Korean wave classmates, I don't think No Min-woo's ultra famous... YET! =)))
But he will be!
Coz he reminds me of dark (as in personality, not skin colour) mashed up version of Takuya Kimura + Gackt. And... He plays the drums... Former drummer of Korean rock band TRAX. And he idolises Johnny Depp.
I think his popularity is currently unstable because (i) his face changes all the time (probably to due to extensive plastic surgery and radical image makeovers every few months), and (ii) rife rumours that he is so not straight.
Seriously, who cares whether he is plastic and/or gay.
I hope he makes it big... I wanna see more of him.
너무너무너무... 너무너무너무... 너무너무너무... 좋아요!!!
Regardless of my personal preferences, because life is about compromises and living means sucking such compromises up with an enthusiastic smile, I completed the series which featured the singer-actor Lee Seung Gi and model-singer-actress Shin Min Ah.
This series has a great sound track, especially 'Fox Rain'.
In the series, whenever it starts to rain during a sunny day, it means the fox is crying.
Back to the resistance...
The protagonists, despite how cute they were as a couple, had neither mothers nor mothers-in-law. What a disappointment.
Nah... The story line is decent and the actors did a great job. =))
The thing about Korean actors and actresses, they are very determined to be the best that they can... The leads were in their early 20s, but you know they know what they are doing.
OK, the real reason why I was kept glued to this series is the ultra androgynous No Min-woo.
My heart was ripped to pieces when he teared. Beautiful people shouldn't have to feel sad.
All leads in this series performed at least 1 song as captured in the series and the original soundtrack. This is No Min-woo's song in the series. It's called Trap and is usually played whenever he was coming onto or onscreen. =)))
According to a quick and dirty survey amongst my Korean wave classmates, I don't think No Min-woo's ultra famous... YET! =)))
But he will be!
Coz he reminds me of dark (as in personality, not skin colour) mashed up version of Takuya Kimura + Gackt. And... He plays the drums... Former drummer of Korean rock band TRAX. And he idolises Johnny Depp.
I think his popularity is currently unstable because (i) his face changes all the time (probably to due to extensive plastic surgery and radical image makeovers every few months), and (ii) rife rumours that he is so not straight.
Seriously, who cares whether he is plastic and/or gay.
I hope he makes it big... I wanna see more of him.
너무너무너무... 너무너무너무... 너무너무너무... 좋아요!!!
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