Minggu, 13 November 2011

Can Arts School Students be Different?

I walk past School of the Arts quite a bit, and notice that the students emerging from the building are usually in this school T-shirt, even those in their ballet gear.
And I have not seen any SOTA students with coloured hair, obvious tattoos, body piercings etc.

Of course, one can argue that these are merely superficial traits, but their absence got me wondering if conformity was a requirement of this Arts School. 

And how that helps to achieve "the vision to identify and groom future generations of artists and creative professionals to be leaders in all fields, in particular, the arts, the School of the Arts will build on Singapore's unique strengths, including its multicultural Asian heritage and openness to local and foreign artistic talent."

I think 'Discipline' and 'Conformity' are very different traits, and should not be confused.

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