Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

I have a dilemma...

You must help me with this one, ok?

I have a black bedsheet which I have been using for the past 6 years. I like it very much coz it's just plain black and smooth to the touch. I can't seem to be able to find it in the stores anymore.

After earlier this year, I noticed a couple of small 'L'-shaped tears in the bedsheet. About 1cm by 1cm. Nothing too drastic. I stitched them up with black thread and that was it.

Then more of such tears started to appear. And I began to realise that they were at Blinky's preferred corners of the bed. Must be his claws.

After a while, the bedsheet began to look quite stitched up.
Which is kind of cute, but I am totally coloured by my love for the black bedsheet, the cause of the problem (Blinky), and the fact that I cannot find black bedsheets for sale.

My question is: At which point do I decide that 'it's time to let it go'?

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