Rabu, 10 November 2010

The Rational Miracle

This little anecdote of mine... I wish to share with you.

I got out of the apartment 40 minutes before an appointment. The cab ride should take no longer than 10 minutes, and it's relatively easy to grab one just outside my place. I thought I was more than prepared for any extraordinary situations.

As you would have figured out by now, the cabs were simply not available. 4.20pm is an exceptionally lousy time to be catching a cab. Most of them are making their way out of the city. To Tampines... to Hougang...

So, I started to walk towards the shopping centres. I'm sure I could grab a cab at the cab-stand. No... I was wrong. The queue at the cab-stand looked impatiently stagnant. I continued to walk. Perhaps the main road would be better. Orchard Road is a fertile stretch for cabs!!

I must have walked for 2km in heels, and was just only beginning to accept my lousy luck...

"NB!!... This is not happening... KNN!! I'm perspiring like a pig... My heels hurt... I wish someone would stop and pick me up," I thought to myself desperately. 

"Don't be stupid," my rational heart scolded. "Just keep your arm stuck out there and keep walking."

Just then, I heard the loud sound of a car horn, and a grey Mazda stopped by. I immediately dismissed it as a case of mistaken identity, and kept walking, scratching the view for that coveted blue/green cab light.

A minute later, my phone rang. It's my DAGE 大哥.
DG: Was that you?
BM: NO WAY!! 不会吧?怎么可能? 这么巧 meh?!!
DG: Where are you now?
BM: Still there lor...
DG: Where are you going?
BM: I'm going to XXX for an important XXX appointment, and I am so damn late.
DG: Still no cab?
BM: No.
DG: You wait there. I come get you.
BM: No need la. 
DG: You just wait there.

So sometimes... One has to rationally believe in miracles.

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