Minggu, 14 November 2010

The World's Most Irritating 돼지 & Invaders

These days, I look forward to 'Good Fren's knocking off from work even more than before... Because that means I can get my hands on his Samsung Galaxy for the games.

I have discovered 2 sets of irritating enemies...
That grinning pig from Angry Birds!!! ROOOAAARRR!!

And the flying invaders in Robo Defense!! ROOOARRRR!!
'Good Fren' is not surprised that I took to Angry Birds instantly, coz it resembled LocoRoco, but my obsession with Robo Defense is beyond him.

I feel very happy when I watch the enemy soldiers trudge and get shot at within the cruel maze I have built. I would laugh, and 'Good Fren' would get very amused by my killer satisfaction.

And... Playing Robo Defense when one is high on cough syrup and chlorpheniramine 4mg can bring one to the next level. Ooooooooooh...

I seriously believe there is a rather underdeveloped male nerd deep within my psyche. I bet if I do allow it to develop, I may even become obsessed with computer programming, coz I think the AI for Robo Defense can be smarter. O_o

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