Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Man Enough to Speak up for Women in Parliament

RE: Singapore ranked 37th best place to be a woman
RE: Women MPs speak for the men as well, replies Grace Fu

Blah... Blah... Blah...

Let's cut the crap.

Firstly, Grace Fu should stop rolling around in the mud and replying to a sexist's comments in the newspaper forum. Just because you are an MP doesn't mean you have respond to idiots.

Actually, just because you are a female minister, doesn't mean you HAVE to fight for gender equality. That kind of expectation, in itself, is uber sexist.

Secondly, in any situation where there is inequality, incessant public rhetoric pointing out the already obvious inequality ain't gonna change anything. Everyone knows there is gender inequality in Singapore. We are ranked 37th best place on Earth to be female. Great.

It is simply tiresome to hear females fighting for gender equality all the time. It just becomes 'whining' after a while. The plot is lost and nobody is listening anymore.

The only way to achieving any equality is for the more powerful side to agree that equality is important.

It is more powerful for straight people to fight for gay people's rights.
It is more powerful for the dominant group/race to fight for minority rights.
It is more powerful for able-bodied people to fight for handicapped rights.

If the ruling party is serious about gender equality, send a heavyweight MALE minister to talk about gender equality in Parliament.

Not some kuching kurak attention-seeking male MP, but a MALE full Minister with enough clout and seniority in the Cabinet to pursue this agenda and make real progress. Now that will make Singapore history and progress.

The only question is:

Who is Man Enough to Speak Up for Women in Parliament?

Or are they afraid that their sexist male counterparts would ostracise them for doing so?

Or perhaps, male ministers simply do not believe in gender equality.

If so, how on Earth can we reasonably expect 1 x Grace Fu (+ a couple of female MP sidekicks) to fight for gender equality or even champion any female causes with any sliver of success?

Wishful and wasteful thinking.

Strategically, if male MPs could stop for a moment to think about this issue, appearing to champion gender equality would endear yourselves to more than 50% of the voters, across ethnic lines, social class, age etc.

Will this piss off male voters?
That will depend on how skillful you are in pitching the message.

It just takes 1 male politician to do this, and the rest will follow.
Maybe that's why they are all holding their breaths. Nobody wants to be the first 'gu-niang'.
This is a hilarious thought. I cannot stop laughing. LOL!

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