Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

It is much easier to start a revolution than to finish it.

I was watching Eric Schmidt deliver a keynote speech at the LeWeb conference in Paris, when he warned that in the digital age, it is “much easier to start a revolution than to finish it”.

It is a worrying thought.

It is always easier to be destructive, than to be constructive.
From big world phenomena such as war, pollution etc, to every day behaviour such as passing caustic remarks to your loved ones, friends and colleagues.

With incessant complaints about the ruling party in Singapore, and some people displaying 'anything/one but the ruling party' behaviour, I wonder if we, as the Singaporean collective, are starting something we do not know how to end well.

This is not to say 'let's not do anything' then.
But I worry about how 'doing something in a highly emotional manner' can go very wrong.

We need a leadership which can unite Singapore once again.
Unfortunately, I don't believe that money can buy us such a leadership.

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