Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Overheard in a women's hospital ward

Wife was going through labour to expel an unfortunate stillbirth, and had been experiencing extreme pain for more than 2 hours at the break of dawn.

Husband appeared in the ward, with freshly-shampoo-ed hair, in t-shirt, bermudas and slippers. He was shocked to witness the scene, where his sweaty wife, with disheveled hair and legs spread open, was trembling, crying, and sometimes screaming in discomfort.

In his helplessness, he managed to say the following first words,

"Erm... Heh Heh... You look like you are shitting."

Everyone, including the nurses, patients in the next beds, and even the wife, went quiet.

Does one have to wait till a time like this to realise that one has married an idiot?

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