Senin, 02 Mei 2011

GE2011 Fatigue

Hey Hey Hey!!

I'm back from my very short trip to Hanoi. Will do up the trip entries in the next few days.

Meanwhile, I made an observation about people online, especially on Facebook where the barriers of entry are lower, i.e. more people are on Facebook than say participating in discussion forums.

I see people displaying signs of mental fatigue.
Information overload for GE2011, that is.

People getting frustrated over being presented with information (e.g. news reports, statements by ministers, candidates etc, Facebook status updates/notes etc) which point in different directions.

They want it simple, geddit?
Just gimme (A) or (B). I don't want to think so much.
It's irritating. It's boring.

Can tell that lots of people giving up and taking the easy way out. Some have even announced that they have given up.

Seriously? The election has really only been going on intensively for at most a couple of weeks.

Stamina so chuiz, how to persevere for a long-term cause?
How to depend on such voters to choose the right leaders?
Just anyhow tikam and leave the elected to sort it all out.
If they do not perform, then screw them upside down later by complaining online and via newspaper forums.

LKY is very right.
Election should not lead to 1 Man 1 Vote.
Coz too many people do not put in enough effort for that single vote.

It's a long drive, my fellow Singaporeans...
You can't just give up thinking about it, just because the choice is only yours to make once every few decades.

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