Kamis, 26 Mei 2011


This is a great picture.

Of one of our most prominent founding fathers and the up and coming opposition politicians.
Pic from Pritam Singh
When answering questions from our reporters last night, Low Thia Kiang remarked: "MM Lee is Singapore's founding father. Although I oppose some of his policies made during his term in office, and am unhappy with the way he ran the country and some policies, including the closing of Nantah University, this also led me to join opposition politics. His achievements in bringing Singapore to where it is today is there for all to see, and I respect that. The Worker's Party MPs asked to take a photo with MM Lee before his retirement from the cabinet out of respect for him."

Read translated Zaobao article here.

I love how Chen Show Mao never fails to stand away from the centre of the group. The quiet discipline and hierarchy within of WP are consistent and apparent.

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