As third parties, they witness apathetically: a boss' unwillingness to respond to whistle-blowing, a colleague's bullying of another, a neighbour's suffering because of another, a stranger's wait lengthened because someone else cut the queue, or even someone else's attempt to seek justice etc.
Most commonly and in the most damaging manner, they ignore requests for justice to be restored that are presented in their work in-tray (in daily speak: to do right thing).
However, when an injustice, especially procedural/distributive, befalls these people personally, they DEMAND for justice. They write to the forum, they complain to everyone, they make a lot of noise etc.
They do not seem to be able to realise that:
- It is because of their apathy that they are now suffering such injustices and the difficult to and/or lack of justice. They themselves have contributed to this lack of justice.
- Justice is not just a sub-contracted specialised service which someone else in some alien system will provide.
In fact, Justice is a man-made concept which requires deliberate human effort to uphold. Every time one seeks to do what's right, the sense and system of justice is reinforced by making good what's wrong and sending out a clear signal to deter those who intend to do injustice to another.
Similarly, every single human being's apathy weakens this system. Not only does it not right what's wrong, it sends a clear message to all that one can get away with doing injustice to another.
The absence of injustice is not justice.
Similarly, every single human being's apathy weakens this system. Not only does it not right what's wrong, it sends a clear message to all that one can get away with doing injustice to another.
The absence of injustice is not justice.
Justice is a deliberate act which everyone must participate in.
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