Kamis, 28 April 2011

1st Evening of Rallies, GE2011

Just in case we don't get to see the complete picture on mainstream media tomorrow...
Pic from here

Some say the turnout at tonight's WP rally reaches 50,000.
It reminds me of the WP Rally 2006.

NSP and SDP rallies also enjoyed good turnouts.

Here is a picture of a PAP rally.

But just in case you have forgotten, rally attendance is not representative of eventual voting results. It's just the way it is... People like to go for opposition rallies to feel the mood. It's happening like a rock concert. It's a spectator sport.

In my opinion, very few people are swayed by what they hear in rallies.

Nonetheless, the existence of rallies forces those living nearby and/or affected by traffic to realise that "HEY! It's Election Time! And I have to vote leh! When ah?"

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