Minggu, 10 April 2011

家有喜事 II

After the earlier entry on the discovery of the egg, Mrs Bird made another one!
Mr and Mrs Bird have been taking turns to sit on the eggs 24-7. They usually change shifts around 10am.

According to the link which a reader has kindly provided, Mr and Mrs Bird are Pink-Necked Green Pigeons, aka Treron vernans or Punai Kerichau/Gading in Malay.

"They prefer habitats with trees that provide fruits as well as a safe perch including mangroves, scrub, secondary forest, forest edge."

I get it that the bamboo trees in the planter box of our apartment gives them a sense of height, but we ain't no provide no fruits. Maybe I should stay leaving some durian and watermelon around. I'm not sharing my favourite pomelo.

And pigeons produce milk??

And the nest is not half-fucked in any way. This is the way it is. O_o
Wouldn't the little birds fall out of the flimsy nest later?
Only one way to find out...

Since we are on the topic of the little birds...

BM: ‎Baby! It's been almost 2 weeks. The bird eggs are taking too long to hatch. Maybe they need some help. We have a microwave.

GF: Just leave them alone!

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