Selasa, 05 April 2011

“We must give the PAP 48%, wake them up!”

From the Straits Times: “We must give the PAP 48 %, wake them up!”

This 50 year old uncle, interviewed by *surprise surprise* Chua Mui Hoong of the Straits Times, is super farnee.

Q: You have children?
“Four, all grown up. So I’m okay, but a lot of people in their 50s, my age group, they are not. The People’s Action Party doesn’t take care of Singaporeans any more. You walk around, so many foreigners are doing our jobs. When Minister Mentor Lee (Kuan Yew) was Prime Minister, all these wouldn’t have happened.”

Q: This is a GRC. If the opposition wins, it means one less minister.
“So? There are so many ministers, what is one less? Don’t tell me the government can’t function with one less minister?”

Q: Unless it is the Prime Minister?
There are three Prime Ministers, isn’t there? PM and two deputy Prime Ministers.”

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